Who Was Jesus?
Also read online booklet “Is Jesus God?” by Our Daily Bread.
Also available is The JESUS Film that details the full life of Jesus!
Prophecies of the Passion
Many prophecies were recorded in the Old Testament of the Bible about the coming Messiah, all of which came to be fulfilled through the life of Jesus of Nazareth.
How Accurate Are the Gospels?
Watch this video to learn about the painstaking process that was involved in recording and preserving the original Bible texts.
Case for a Creator: The Evidence of a Habitable Planet
Watch more clips from the Case for a Creator on The John 10:10 Project
Case for a Creator: The Evidence of Biological Information
Case for a Creator: The Evidence of Physics
God and the Astronomer
Watch Robert Jastrow, founding director of NASA’s Goddard Space Institute, reflect on how contemporary evidence—when objectively viewed—points to the existence of a supernatural Creator.
First Life: How Did Life on Earth Begin?
Newton’s God
My Only Hope
Beautiful scenes off the California coast while reflecting on the majesty of God’s creaton!
Can God Bring Good From Suffering?
Many want to know if God is good, why does He allow suffering and evil. This video helps to understand that God has a greater purpose for our sufferings.
Also, read “Why? Seeing God in Our Pain” from Our Daily Bread Ministries.
Living Water
Jesus promised to give us living water that leads to eternal life!
Questions on Faith Articles
Which version of the Bible should I read?
The Bible was originally written in a combination of the Hebrew, Aramaic and Greek languages. Up until around the 1960’s, the most widely read English-language translation of the Bible was the King James Version which was originally produced in 1611. Since the 1960’s, many modern English versions have come out that make Bible reading much more understandable and enjoyable for the modern-day reader.
The following Bibles were translated directly from the original Hebrew, Aramaic and Greek text by teams of scholars. These are just a few of the most widely used and accepted across a number of different Christian denominations. For serious Bible study, it is always good to refer to more than one translation.
- English Standard Version (ESV)
- New International Version (NIV)
- New King James Version (NKJV)
- The New Living Translation (NLT)
Many other Bible translations are also available and can be viewed directly online: