Home Groups

HOME GROUP ONLINE – Thursdays @ 6:30 PM

Our Online Home Group meets weekly on Zoom on Thursdays @ 6:30 PM. The study material may include content from the Bible App, RightNow Media, etc. We are currently using the book “100 Bible Verse Everyone Should Know By Heart” by Robert J. Morgan.

Click here to join on Zoom Thurs @ 6:30 pm!

Men’s Ministry


Currently, our men join together quarterly for a special off-site activity. Sign up for our e-newsletter to find out when the next activity is scheduled!

Each year, our men also join together to attend the bi-annual Men’s Ministry Catalyst conferences held throughout the Bay Area.  This year the conference is called R3 Men’s Conference: Revive, Restore, Relaunch.  To join with our men to attend the next conference, email us at connect@churchonthecorner.us!

Women’s Ministry


Meets every 3rd Sunday of the month at 12:00 noon, our women gather together for a time of fellowship, prayer, and renewing of their faith through a variety of materials including Bible reading, devotionals, or video-based learning. The study material may include content from the Bible App, RightNow Media.


Our women can participate in a women’s discipleship study at any time using the following Discipler’s Handbook available on our website! This study provides 20 succinct single page lessons that together provide a broad foundation for discipleship. We encourage our women to form informal groups to study this material together using email, social media, or video conferencing!