2.9 Temptation

a. KEY VERSES: 1 Corinthians 10:13; James 4:7-8

b. KEY THOUGHT: The devil is all too familiar with our ways and knows how to tempt us. Temptation is common to humans, and we are given a way to escape if we look to Christ.

c. KEY QUESTION: Are you growing in your ability to trust God with temptations that are common to you?


i. Read 1 Corinthians 10:13. The apostle Paul tells us that (1) our temptations are not unique, so we have no need to hide them; (2) any temptation we suffer is not out of God’s control; (3) we are able to bear it because God is faithful and provides a way out. What are some other characteristics of temptation?

ii. “It is not that we are tempted but what we do with the temptation that is important.” What does this statement mean in light of the verse in 1 Corinthians?

iii. What makes temptation so difficult?

iv. Does it help to know that your temptation is “common” and that God is aware of it?

v. Read James 4:7-8. How are we to handle temptation, according to James? If you were the devil, what would you do to discourage and stop a believer from growing in or walking by faith?

vi. What does it look like to resist the devil when you are tempted?

vii. What clues are given in verse 8 regarding resisting the devil?

e. YOUR STORY: Share an area of temptation you faced in the past that God has helped you with.

f. APPLICATION: As you did this study, what area of temptation came to mind? Discuss what you will do next time you face this temptation. Sometimes talking with someone in the midst of the temptation helps. Build in accountability to your plan of action!