Join us for our EASTER HOLY WEEK Events!
MOVIE NIGHT • Friday, April 11 @ 6:30 PM – Come join us in our main church sanctuary for a fun movie night! (Movie title TBD) Fun food bites and refreshments will be provided!
GOOD FRIDAY SERVICE • Friday, April 18 @ 6 PM – Join us for a contemplative time of remembrance of the death of Jesus Christ through music, scripture readings, and Communion. Free soup meal @ 7PM after the Service. All are welcome to attend! This will be a joint service with The Sharing Church.
EASTER SUNDAY SERVICE • Sunday, April 20 @ 10 AM – Will be a time of celebration of the Resurrection of Jesus Christ with music and message of hope! Free coffee & snacks before & after – Children’s craft activity @ 10:30 AM (ages 3-10). This will be a joint service with The Sharing Church.
EASTER EGG HUNT • Sunday, April 20 @ 11:30 AM! – FREE for kids all ages downstairs in the church Commons! (Through the Pomona Ave doors)
What is the Real Meaning of Easter?
For many, Easter is a fun holiday celebrated every Spring with egg hunts for the kids, chocolate bunnies, candy baskets, brunches, and family get togethers. So you may be asking yourself, what does any of this mean and why should I care?
One way to explain the real meaning of Easter is in the context of the biblical Old Testament account of God’s deliverance and redemption of the Israelites in the holiday known as the Passover.

Step through the events of Jesus’ final week leading up to His crucifixion and resurrection in this visual presentation!
Download these printable activities for kids (in pdf)!